I dreamt last night that I was sitting amidst a women's circle. An older man sauntered towards us, maniacally wielding a gun. He smiled with wrath in his eyes. Stopping a few feet from me, he pointed the weapon around the circle until he finally settled it on me. I flickered between terror and calm for several moments. He stared straight at me and pushed the cold metal into my chest. My stomach dropped as I cast my eyes downward, fearing for my life.
And then I remembered that Love is the most powerful force in existence.
Emboldened by this knowing, I raised my head, locking eyes with this man. I smiled softly.
"I love you."
He melted before me--eyes softening, welling up with tears. His expression faded into a mixture of disbelief, appreciation, and awe. He dropped the gun and walked away, somber.
I smiled, and turned towards the circle once again, celebrating within the peaceful gazes of my sisters.
I woke up knowing that self-serving factions are stepping down from their false power. Love is healing the world. It is done.
With all my love,
Gaia Sophia