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Writer's pictureGaia Sophia

The Book of Love

The first and the last word is Love We came of Love and so we shall return to Love. Love is the most powerful force in all existence.

At the beginning of 2020, I experimented with channeled writing, or allowing my body-mind to transmit information directly from my Higher Self Consciousness and Source Love. I feel compelled to share the messages I received that day with you now. If you are here, you are ready to receive these words.

Below, I provide the unedited transcript from that day. May these words open your heart more fully to receive the Truth of the immaculate beauty you are.

January 18, 2020

10:00 AM

I have smudged the room and myself, inviting all angels, guides, ascension masters, helpful ancestors, dragons, faeries, beings seen and unseen in service to our Highest Selves and Highest Outcomes for assistance and guidance in writing this document. May my intentions be pure. May I be an instrument for the Divine that I am. May these words inspire all beings to love themselves more deeply than they have ever known. May these words be free of any distortions, overlays, hypocrisies, reversals. May these words embody the authentic, original blueprint of all things, in alignment with Love and Light frequencies. May these words restore the balance between the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine principles and support their Sacred Union. May these words always carry the purest vibration of unconditional love, even as they evolve, in this and all timeline-dimensions, past, present, and future in the ever-expanding now. And so it is. Great Spirit, I am yours.

In the beginning, there was the Word. And the word was Love. Love is all things. Love knows all things. Love loves all things. Love stemmed from the Void, the great womb of the creatrix Sophia. All is birthed from the void. We are the void. The void is us.

Love is the most powerful force in all of existence.

We do things of love. From the space of love. All that we do that is unlike love, stems from the forgetfulness of who we are. We forget and the separation causes pain and we act from this unprocessed pain. As we remember who we are, the pain is transmuted by the Love that we are, and so we know peace. Peace. Presence. Bliss. Joy. These are our birthright. We must love the dark, for the dark is merely unredeemed Light. And remember, we come from the Void. The void that births all things. Even Love. You may ask, but what came first? The Void or Love. Both and. They are one in the same.

Each being in this Universe is gifted with Free Will. You may participate as conscious co-creators in your lives. You have your Sovereignty. And so, you have the choice between your will and Divine will. Of course, you are the Divine. And the Divine is you. But in your earthly suit, you may forget this. And so the you that you sometimes operate from is not the YOU that you are. When you live life in contrast to Divine will, which is the highest aspect of yourself, you feel pain, sorrow, strife. When you live your life in alignment with Divine will--when your will and Divine will are one--you know peace. No matter what emotional or mental state you are in, you will see that peace lives underneath it all, when living life from the Divine perspective. You can be in grief and know peace. You can feel pain and know peace. You can be in joy and know peace. Peace lives underneath all.

The Earth is your Mother. Love Her. Relish in the joys of your body. There has been a history in a spirituality overtaken by distorted Masculine energies to try to transcend the body as a means to unite with Spirit. However, you will know Spirit by feeling into the body. Cherish your body. Love your body. She holds you. Feeling into the body is of the Divine Feminine aspect. All beings carry the Feminine and Masculine currents. Bringing these two currents into balance and uniting them in sacred union within oneself births the Sacred Child. The Sacred Child is within each of us and when we birth this child, we walk through the world as fully embodied aspects of Divinity in form.

Love yourself. Love each other. Love the world.

Whatever you heal in yourself, heals in the Collective. You heal by offering love to those aspects of yourself that seek love and allowing Love to be the ultimate transmuter of all things. What you do for yourself, you also do for the Collective, by the laws of Unity Consciousness. When you harm another, you harm yourself. When you harm yourself, you harm another. When you love yourself, you love the world. When you love the world, you love yourself. We are all interconnected and unique expressions of All that Is. We are all unique and yet all stem from the Source of All. The One. The One is Love.

In the beginning there was Love. Love is the first and final word. We came of love and so we shall return.

May we remember the Love that we are.

With all my Love,

Gaia Sophia

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