You cannot deny the knowing in your bones
This knowing that there is more to life than the societal narrative you've been fed. More beauty, pleasure, joy. More harmony, ease, grace. More play, laughter, silliness.
Your body is both the key and doorway to this reality.
When you connect with your body, you open to the wisdom of your soul. You hear the wild whispers of your heart. You taste the hidden pleasure of every moment. Brimming with sensual aliveness, you courageously pursue what lights you up.
You emBODY your Divine spark and inspire others as a beacon of joy...
for what is more joyful than to live as the soul?
I help you connect with your body and its wisdom so you may thrive in your essence--
in the richness of your sensuality, pleasure, and intuitive power.
If you're curious to embark on this journey, let's connect on a discovery call.

hey there, i'm christina
Life has taken me on a wild journey from 12+ years of severe depression and body numbness to a baseline state of joy and connectedness. How? By having me reunite with my body wisdom and the transformative power of deep feeling.
Within this journey, I reawakened as a curandera in the shamanistic tradition of my Peruvian ancestry. One of my mentors, a Cherokee Taíno Choctaw medicine woman, initiated me as a song carrier, and another, White Wolf Woman, trained me in the priestess temple arts for almost a decade. Since 2019, I've been serving as a ceremonialist 1:1 and in groups, having guided now hundreds of people (mostly women) into connecting with their bodies to feel their unique soul and Divine connection.
I am passionate about helping you open your voice, heart, and womb so you may unleash your full authentic power and joy. Because when you're in your joy, you thrive in every facet of life. And when you thrive, you uplift your community and mother earth.
You can learn more about my colorful story here.
Wish to connect more?
Journey with me
1:1, couples, groups
To schedule a free consultation call + intuitive assessment, please click here.
My love letter to you
​The Rose Path is the private membership club through which i, a woman, offer my services; if you wish to receive from me, you do so through this club; to join, please autograph the membership agreement here.

Upcoming Events
- Wed, Feb 19Marietta
- Fri, May 23Lyerly
- Wed, Oct 08Hillsboro
- Fri, Nov 14Lyerly